Tom Portman: Daughter of the Willow Tree (2023)
Kev Rowland
Tom Portman is a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, recording artist and composer based in the west of Ireland. He specializes in guitar, Dobro®, lap steel and other strings. Although he has released multiple other albums, this is the first time I have come across him, and his country and western folk style is something I immediately fell in love with, the result being an album which seems even more beautiful and important each time I play it. This is very much a solo release, with Tom providing vocals, guitar, violins and Lap Steel, and due to the layering it is obvious he could not have played this live in the studio as he would not have enough hands, but I am sure he sang and played together, just adding the additional touches later. One of the most important instruments included on this album is not named, but the use of space is wonderful, with a wonderfully ambient feeling permeating the music as he mixes country and western styling with modern English folk to create something which is fresh and new yet with plenty of history and back story.
In some ways he reminds me of the solo work from Kiwi C&W singer Matt Joe Gow, and I can see the two of them touring together and having audiences who would thoroughly enjoy what they were doing. I am not used to hearing C&W as reflective and paced as this, as this has been slowed down and given plenty of thought and gravitas, stressing the importance of the message being delivered. This release demands close attention, and I can only hope that Tom gains the attention he deserves from this. He has already been recognised within his own country as he is supported by Music Network’s Music Capital Scheme, funded by The Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, yet this needs to be heard by a far wider audience and if you enjoy wonderful acoustic music then this is for you.
Rating: 9/10